Expires in 313 days
Imminent Loss of Utilities
Special Needs Children
Unsupported Single Parent

Awaiting Funding

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I'm a Single Mom, & Between Paying for My Car Repair & Son's ER Visit, I Couldn't Keep Our Power On!

My Story:

I am a single mother of three beautiful, loving children; they are my pride and joy and the reason I push through life every day to make sure we have everything we need. Even though life has its surprises, we usually get on pretty good. I am a full-time employee as a supervisor of a clinical administration and love what I do. My oldest son is an amazing musician, my daughter loves drawing, and my little boy is just the sweetest, funniest little man. He was diagnosed with autism a few years ago.

Several unexpected events have been thrown our way this month. When I took my car in for a checkup, they told me I needed 4 new tires, and it was very expensive. This on its own put us behind on bills, and then my son jumped off a structure on the playground and broke several toes. I had to rush him to the emergency room, and now he has a cast on his foot. Between his medical bills and my car repair, I am at a complete loss for how I will catch up with everything.

I am seeking assistance from Modest Needs with my utility bills, so I can pay my mortgage. Your help will ensure I'm not broke all month and unable to get my kids food. Our home is our safe haven, and we never want to lose it. I know that if we can catch up, we will be able to prepare for something like this should it ever happen again; my job started a new bonus program, and I am on track to receive one. This help will keep some normalcy at home for the kids, so I can tackle our mortgage and avoid accruing additional late fees. I know my kids will smile a little more if I am not so stressed out all the time, and this act of kindness will really be a shift back in the right direction for us. Thank you so much for considering us and reading about our hardship.

Help Complete this Application

$906.00  is the total cost to complete this application, including the cost of fulfillment.
$906.00  has already been given to Modest Needs by donors who've recommended this application for funding.
$0.00  is the amount necessary to complete this applicant's request for help.