Funded 07/10/2024
Imminent Loss of Vehicle
Elderly Persons
Urgent Health Care

Awaiting Funding

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This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeI am a 72 year old woman who came to Modest Needs for help. I live strictly on Social Security and it is very hard to pay monthly bills. I have incurred a Car Repair that has left me without a car to get me to my regular doctor's appointments, medicine and X-rays. I tried saving money, but living expenses just would not help me save. I suffered from Cancer and a Broken Neck and Back that forced me into early retirement. I want to thank each and everyone of you from the bottom of My Heart for Funding this Repair Bill, so that I have reliable transportation again. May God Bless you All, and your continued support to help others in need, like myself. I sincerely hope more people as yourselves could be so kind and loving. Thank you, Again!

I'm a Sick Grandma That Can't Get to the Doctor Because My Car Has Been Undrivable for 7 Months!

My Story:

I am a 72-year-old, retired grandma. I live off my disability and retirement benefits, which really do not amount to much. Because I cannot work, I barely have enough money to meet monthly expenses.

Several years ago, I was in a terrible accident and broke bones in my back and neck. Since then, I have developed a severe chronic condition due to the accident that needs routine check-ups for management. My car has been undrivable for 7 months, as I had no money to get it repaired, so I have been unable to care for my health during this time. My amazing friends chipped in to have it towed to a mechanic, so I could at least have it checked out. He found a faulty wire and was able to fix the vehicle, but I still cannot cover the balance I have with the shop. I really need to be able to get to my doctor's appointments, and it is unreliable to constantly be asking others to give me a ride. If I keep going without my car like this, I know my health will deteriorate, and I am afraid of what might happen then.

I am asking for this one-time help paying off the remainder of the balance I have with the repair shop. This assistance will mark the end of a 7-month long financial battle of trying to get my car back. It will be an unbelievable relief, and I would be so thankful. I could regain my independence, take care of my health, and maybe even find a way to bring in some extra income with it. Thank you so much for anything you give to my situation.

As of 2024-07-10, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.