Paid 05/11/2024
Imminent Loss of Vehicle
Military Veteran
Urgent Health Care

Fully Funded

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Progress: We've raised 100% of the cost of this application!



This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeHello, I would like to personally thank all of the donors for contributing to fund to ensure that I will be able to continue looking for employment as well as make it to my VA medical appointments on time. I have struggled with transportation and housing issues for the last few years, and this fund will allow me to focus on things that are not causing me stress. Thank you very much to every one involved in assisting me with this fund.

I'm an Army Vet With Disabilities & A Storm Ruined My Car's Brakes. I Can't Get to My Appointments!

My Story:

I am an Army veteran with disabilities living in San Diego, CA. I am trying to get back on my feet after extreme weather put me in a precarious position.

Recently, there was some heavy rain that caused extensive flooding where I was living. I had to use up my VA benefits this month to secure temporary housing, so I could be safe through these conditions. The storm ruined my car's brakes and tires, so now I risk getting into an accident if I try to drive. I need to replace them, but my military disability benefits are really not much to live on. I can take care of myself, but sadly, I'm out of luck in an emergency. I'm trying to obtain a part-time job, but without my car, I cannot go to any interviews. Not only that, but I'm worried my health could decline if I have no way to get to my medical appointments at the VA hospital.

I am asking for help getting my tires and brakes repaired, so I can have my independence again. This would be such an incredible gift that allows me to stay on track with my health, gain employment, and take care of myself again. I will be able to recover from this catastrophic weather event and move forward. Thank you so much for anything you can give.

As of 2024-05-11, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2024-05-23, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $767.51 to American Tire Depot on behalf of this deserving individual.