Paid 03/02/2024
Imminent Loss of Utilities
Unsupported Single Parent

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

I honestly and genuinely would like to thank each and every one of you who have supported me and baby boy and who have decided to donate any and every amount to me. Many times we are afraid to ask for help, but most times there are people who are willing to donate and/or assist. It�s crazy because people from near and far who don�t even know you are more than willing to help more than people you know. That lets me know that there are still genuine people in the world and others who struggle like me day to day. I have grown up in poverty and still deal with it today. Hopefully, in the near future I can be able to make these same efforts to others like you have to me. Thank you, thank you, and thank you again for assisting me during my time of need.

I'm a Single Mom & Middle School Teacher. After a Snowstorm, My Utility Bill Skyrocketed!

My Story:

I am a single mom of a 1-year-old boy who is very observant and lovable. I work at a middle school, and as many of you probably know, teachers do not make enough to live off of. Thankfully, I earn enough to pay for my bills, but that is it. Sometimes I struggle to get the food I need or cover unexpected expenses, especially because I am only paid once at the end of each month.

Recently, a snowstorm ripped through my state and left tons of working people in a bind. I am one of those people. My utility bill has skyrocketed hundreds of dollars, and I fear it will only continue to rise. Normally, I pay my utility bill without a problem, but I simply did not have enough money last month to cover the balance. I worry my boy and I could be stuck in a dark, cold house soon.

I am humbly requesting this one-time hand up with my utility bill, so we can exist peacefully in our home. Your gift will bring me current again with my utility company and allow my son and I to not be impacted after this storm. It will give me the wiggle room I need until I get paid at the end of this month, and I will not have to choose between our rent or utilities. Thank you so much for anything you can offer us.

As of 2024-03-02, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2024-03-07, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $469.65 to Alabama Power on behalf of this deserving individual.