Paid 03/02/2024
Unsupported Single Parent
Imminent Loss of Housing
Imminent Loss of Vehicle

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeTHANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!!! It's such a relief to receive such kindness. It's hard as a father to even want to humble myself and ask for a hand out, but it rained and poured. While I was dreading possibly not getting funding a slew of things happened. For starters my daughters' mother claimed both my girls on her taxes when they've been living with me. Now I owe taxes. I can have a buffer while working. With this little bit I can handle what I need to. I can catch up on bills. Just that little bit a breathing room is more than enough. I'm forever grateful. God put it on your hearts to help out a father, brother, coach, and so much more in need. My daughters thank you. I thank you. Thank you for this blessing!

I'm a Single Dad Just Trying to Provide For His Girls, but a Car Repair Has Us Facing Homelessness!

My Story:

I am a single father raising 2 girls. My 17-year-old will be graduating high school this year, and my 14-year-old is getting into sports. I want my girls to have opportunities and always know I will be there for them.

I work full-time as an IT administrator which usually covers everything, but my car broke down on me suddenly. I had to repair it to get to work and my girls to their activities; it is our only way around. It was so expensive, but I knew I could not afford to get a new vehicle. The repairs wiped out any money I was trying to get together for my daughter's prom or my 14-year-old's sports gear. Not only that, but it also caused me to fall behind on our rent. I did not take my girls away from the bad environment they were in with their mother just to put them in another unsafe situation.

I am writing to you to ask if I can get help with our rent this month, so I can catch up with everything else. This assistance will permit my girls and I to not end up homeless or living in our car. Your act of kindness will allow me to provide for my girls who deserve better than this. Thank you so much for any help you can give to our family.

As of 2024-03-02, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2024-03-14, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $550.00 to Howard Hanna Holt Real Estate on behalf of this deserving individual.