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My Son Has Severe Autism & I Can't Afford a Push Chair for Him Since I'm Battling His Mom in Court!

My Story:

I am a single dad of an 8-year-old boy with non-verbal autism. I work full-time, and my son is in 1st grade. He loves his after-school program, walks, water, sensory toys, and sleeping on the top bunk of his bed.

My family was torn apart last year due to my wife's neglectful and abusive behavior. I have taken her to court for her treatment of our son and the trial is still ongoing. There is a no contact rule in place between my son and his mother, and my stepchildren from that marriage all live with their dad now. This change in family dynamic had a real impact on my finances, as I made over the limit to qualify for my son to receive social security disability benefits and am now the only source of income in the house. When my son became too big for a typical stroller, I applied to use my flex spending account to purchase a medical push chair for him. This would make it easier for me to safely transport him to his appointments. However, my claim was denied, and they locked my card until I pay my remaining balance. I have had to use several paychecks to pay for my son's after-school program and medical expenses, or I would not be able to work full-time due to having to take time to transport him.

I am humbly asking for assistance with buying this chair for my son. The chair would permit us to go to appointments and school safely and quickly. I am unable to work any additional hours because when his after-school program ends, he needs my full attention. He loves this chair, and this gift would drastically improve his day-to-day well-being. Thank you so much for considering us for this support.

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$902.00  is the total cost to complete this application, including the cost of fulfillment.
$902.00  has already been given to Modest Needs by donors who've recommended this application for funding.
$0.00  is the amount necessary to complete this applicant's request for help.