Paid 02/06/2024
Imminent Loss of Vehicle
Urgent Health Care
Special Needs Children

Fully Funded

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Progress: We've raised 100% of the cost of this application!



This person has left the following thank you note:

Thank you SO much for helping my family and I! This donation will make a world of difference to us. Especially during this difficult and scary time of new diagnoses and medical scares and more and more bills, this is a beacon of hope. It reminds me that there is always good in the world, no matter how dark times seem. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

My Husband & Son Have Special Needs, & After a Car Accident, We Can't Get to Their Appointments!

My Story:

I am a married mother with a happy little boy. He was recently diagnosed with autism. My husband is disabled and currently waiting on a heart transplant. We have been married since 2010 and adopted our son in 2018 after having him since birth. He is the light of our life.

I am the sole breadwinner at home, and we also have my husband's disability checks. Our son receives a monthly stipend for his therapy and other costs associated with his special needs care which helps us tremendously. I was in a car accident last January and was found not at fault, but I had to purchase a new vehicle which added a new strain to our budget. On top of everything we must pay for my husband's medical care, we are barely staying afloat.

We are asking for some help with my new car's car note. This assistance would allow me to pay back some bills that I fell behind on after the accident. I could also refinance a bit to make the monthly payments more manageable. This is our only vehicle, and we need it every day whether it be to get me to work, my husband to his transplant appointments, or my son to his appointments. This one-time help will ensure that my family has a reliable mode of transportation and that my husband stays on track for the heart transplant list. He can't miss any appointments and must have his heart checked regularly. This will also ensure that I can get him to the hospital in case of emergency. Our car is our lifeline, and we would be so grateful for this help. Thank you.

As of 2024-02-06, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2024-02-15, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $415.26 to TD Auto Finance on behalf of this deserving individual.