Paid 02/25/2024
Medical Emergency
Urgent Health Care
Unsupported Single Parent

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeI want to personally thank you for assisting my family. It is not easy requesting financial assistance. I pride myself on working hard and providing for my children. However, the storms of life can occur at any given moment. It can happen to anyone. Through this process I realized, it's ok to ask for assistance and there are people who truly care about others. My daughter's injury was unexpected. Your generosity will allow her to continue her treatments and get back to the sport she absolutely loves 'Track and Field'. She has competed in the Junior Olympics prior to her injury and plans to become an Olympic athlete as an adult. The joy on her face when I told her about your contribution was priceless. She cried and I cried. This is truly a blessing and an honor. Thank you so much!!

My Kids Are Junior Olympians, & After My Daughter Injured Her Hip, I Cannot Afford Her Treatment!

My Story:

I am the proud mom of one son and one daughter who love sports, and I work full-time at a middle school. They have been running track since they were 9 years old and have been in the Junior Olympics multiple times.

Unfortunately, my daughter tore the femoral tendon in her hip during a track meet. The out-of-pocket expenses for her treatment and physical therapy has taken a real financial toll on me. I have always been able to take care of my kids and I, but with all the regular bills I am paying, these unexpected expenses are placing quite the strain on me. It is absolutely necessary for my daughter's health, so I am trying to make it work no matter what.

I am asking for help with one of my daughter's medical bills; if this goes unpaid, she will not be allowed to continue with treatment. This act of kindness would get my daughter the care she needs while ensuring that I can still afford groceries for us. She dreams of becoming an Olympic athlete, and this assistance will help her get back on the field. Thank you so much for anything you can give for her.

As of 2024-02-25, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2024-02-28, Modest Needs sent payment via Credit / Debit Card in the amount of $519.00 to Florida Kidcare on behalf of this deserving individual.