Paid 02/06/2024
Special Needs Children
Imminent Loss of Utilities
Unsupported Single Parent

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeI want to sincerely Thank you for your generous support and helping my family. As a mother of a child on the Autism spectrum it can be very costly to fund alot of things that care for his needs. Especially his safety as he does elope. My car going out last year really pushed me back financially but I need my transportation to take him and my daughter to their appointments. It was a very difficult and stressful situation I was in but I had to do something to get my car fixed and ensure my children would be able to get to their appointments. On the flip side I have struggled to catch up with any bills I had since. Your donation however big or small makes it so possible for me to get back on track and I am so grateful! I�m not sure how religious any of you are but I thank God for good people in this world, there are times where we can so easily forget that good people exist and this experience has reminded me and I hope others that there is still good in humanity. Acts 20:35 says it best. With that being said my family and I are eternally grateful and may you all continue to be blessed and be a blessing to others in need! Thank you deeply, T.

A Car Repair Put Me Behind on Electric. My Son With Autism Will Escape Without Our Security System!

My Story:

I am a mother of 2 amazingly energetic children and employed full-time at a bank. My 3-year-old son is autistic and nonverbal with many sensory needs. He loves to stim, by flapping his hands and running back and forth. My 13-year-old daughter is very creative. She is homeschooled and likes to spend her free time reading and drawing.

One day last year, the transmission in my truck went out as I was driving to work. I had recently purchased the vehicle, so I was shocked. I tried to see if the warranty would cover it, and as it turned out, the warranty expired a month prior to this happening. I had to pay to get it fixed out-of-pocket. It was such a costly repair that even after 4 months trying to save up for it, I still could not afford them. Since my car was sitting at the dealership for months, my starter and battery went out too causing the cost of the repairs to double. I was able to get a loan to help, but it comes out of my paycheck. This has made my income decrease significantly, and I am already paying extra every month now that I need Ubers to get where I need to go. I reached out to several organizations for help, but they are all at capacity with applications. I really do not know what to do about my electric bill, as it fell behind in the midst of all this, and I really do not have enough money to get caught up.

I am asking for one-time assistance to get current with my electric company, so I can keep my security cameras on in my home. My son sometimes tries to run out of the house, so if I do not have power, I will not be able to see if the door is open or have the alarm go off. I sleep in fear every night that he will leave the house and get lost. This assistance will allow me to maintain our living expenses going forward and sleep at night. I will be able to continue to pay for my truck's repairs without fear of losing my services, home, or son. Thank you so much.

As of 2024-02-06, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2024-02-15, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $331.00 to Greystone Power Corporation on behalf of this deserving individual.