Paid 02/27/2024
Military Veteran
Unsupported Single Parent
Imminent Loss of Housing

Fully Funded

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Progress: We've raised 100% of the cost of this application!



This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeI want to start by saying how humbled I am by your generosity. The way Modest Needs helps organize a community to help others in their community is truly special. It can be hard to measure what a few dollars here or there can help someone, but now we can see that. I know you gave up something to help me and my daughter. That could be a night out with your family, a special treat for your kid, or even just your favorite coffee. I want to let you know that sacrifice does not go unnoticed. This donation is going to help my daughter and I stay in the place that has become a real refuge for us and a place of healing in a tough time. This is especially true for my daughter being able to have her cats with her. They are her favorite thing in the world (besides maybe mom or dad). Again, I want to say thank you for your generosity. Dan G

I'm a Veteran & Single Dad. I Was Laid Off, & Now We'll Be Evicted Before My New Job Starts!

My Story:

I am a single father of an 8-year-old princess. She loves her kitties more than anything in the world, and her favorite subjects in school are music and art. I am an 8-year veteran of the US Army and currently work in finance.

Sadly, I was laid off a couple weeks before Christmas, but I was able to quickly secure a new job that will provide long-term stability for my daughter and I. The job has not started yet, and I am already behind on my rent and utility bills. I have always protected my daughter, and I do not want that to change. The last thing I want to put her through is an eviction, but I will not get my first paycheck in time.

I am humbly requesting assistance with our rent, so we can get through this tough time. My job starts in a couple of weeks, and this will hold us over until then. Your generosity will keep us housed and allow me to continue being a great dad to my little girl. Thank you.

As of 2024-02-27, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2024-03-07, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $600.00 to Ryan Morgan, Landlord on behalf of this deserving individual.