Already Expired
Imminent Loss of Housing
Unsupported Single Parent
Urgent Health Care


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My Car Broke Down & Then I Missed a Week of Work to Care for My Sick Girl. We'll Be Evicted Now!

My Story:

I am a single mother of an amazing daughter who loves reading and drawing. She is on the honor role, and I am so proud. I work full-time as a teaching assistant, and I am obtaining my bachelor's in social work.

I have been thrown into financial hardship because my vehicle broke down, and I had to pay towing fees, an Uber home, and repairs. This put a strain on my finances, but it was all manageable until my daughter caught the flu and strep throat at once. I had to miss over a week of work, and my employer does not give any sick leave. My paycheck was much less than usual, so in conjunction with these car expenses, I am at a loss for how to stay on top of every bill. Thankfully, my daughter and I are healthy. I am working. I know we can get out of this mess, but I am afraid my past due rent will just continue to increase.

I am asking for help to pay my rent, so my daughter and I do not face eviction before I get my next few paychecks. Your generous gift will bring me current and ensure we are not forced into a shelter. Thank you for anything you can give to our situation.

Help Complete this Application

$1,323.00  is the total cost to complete this application, including the cost of fulfillment.
$65.00  has already been given to Modest Needs by donors who've recommended this application for funding.
$1,258.00  is the amount necessary to complete this applicant's request for help.


is the amount I'd like to give to Modest Needs, and I'd like to recommend that Modest Needs fund this request for help if possible.