Expires in 153 days
Urgent Health Care
Imminent Loss of Vehicle


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To Everyone's Shock, I Have Breast Cancer. My Job Refused Me Paid Leave, so We Could Lose Our Car!

My Story:

My husband and I have been teachers in the Rochester City School District for 21 years; I teach students with special needs, and he teaches social studies. We have been married for 18 years and are the proud parents of two amazing athletes.

In May, to the shock of our entire family, I was diagnosed with breast cancer after a routine mammogram. Per my doctor's orders, I had to take a leave of absence from work. I have undergone aggressive chemotherapy and several procedures, and there are more scheduled. I want to maintain a sense of normalcy for my kids as we navigate this, and thankfully, we have an amazing support system of family and friends that help out wherever they can.

As you can imagine, this cancer journey has been beyond difficult, but I also have to worry constantly about being paid. My employer told me to apply for a 'catastrophic leave of absence' which is 95 days of paid leave. It took months of applying, getting denied, applying again, and getting the superintendent of the school district involved to finally get approved, but now the 95 days are over. My battle with cancer is not, though, as I am preparing for reconstruction surgery this month. I still cannot work, and now that I have no more income coming in, we're in a real bind trying to pay everything.

I am asking for help paying our auto payment. Our children's sports tuition payments are due soon, and this assistance will ensure both that they can stay in sports and get to practice. This assistance will truly change our lives. We can focus on my health, catch up, and not worry about losing our only vehicle. My husband is trying to get a second job to expedite things, and I will return to work as soon as I am able. Thank you so much for your compassion for our situation.

Help Complete this Application

$935.00  is the total cost to complete this application, including the cost of fulfillment.
$420.00  has already been given to Modest Needs by donors who've recommended this application for funding.
$515.00  is the amount necessary to complete this applicant's request for help.


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