Paid 12/12/2023
Military Family
Unsupported Single Parent
Military Veteran

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeI am sitting here with tears in my eye typing this testimonial. I am extremely grateful and thankful for everyone who has blessed me and my family by donating what they could to help us. This good gesture took away some stress that I was experiencing not knowing what I was going to do to make my car insurance payment. It means a lot to me that you the donors decided to help out a complete stranger, there's not many of that going around these days so I'm appreciative of that. Now I will be all caught up on my insurance and can finally breathe a little. Again, thank you to everyone who donated, it means so much to me. Happy Holidays!

I'm a Disabled Vet That Had to Move With My Two Rambunctious Boys. I Can't Pay Our Car's Insurance!

My Story:

I am a disabled veteran and a single mother to two very energetic boys. They are 11 and 4 years old. They're your typical all-over-the-place type of boys; they love to wrestle and play sports. I'm currently looking for a job but being that we are new to the area, and I have no help at home with the boys, the hours I can work have to coordinate with when they are in school. Between caring for my children and treating my disability it's been hard to find work, and our financial situation has suffered as a result.

Our state-to-state move has put us in an unexpected bind that I'm currently trying to manage without a job. It has become pretty overwhelming. Typically, what I get for disability payments through the VA is good enough to cover our bills, but after covering our move, I don't have enough to pay all our bills. As a result, I fell a month behind on our car insurance payment and can't get caught up, so I'm very humbly asking for assistance with that bill.

My family needs help to pay for our auto insurance, which is one month late. I was unable to make the payment after having to use the money for our move and after missing work to care for my children and to receive treatment. Hopefully, I'll be able to return to work once I find a job that also allows me to care for my kids, but until then, we need an act of kindness to bring our household current with all our bills again and restore our sense of stability. Thank you for considering us for this very generous assistance.

As of 2023-12-12, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-12-19, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $433.93 to USAA on behalf of this deserving individual.