Paid 11/24/2023
Imminent Loss of Vehicle
Animal / Pet Care

Fully Funded

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Progress: We've raised 100% of the cost of this application!



This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeWhere do I begin? Words are simply not enough to express the deep gratitude I have for this incredible act of generosity. While there are a seemingly endless amount of choices when it comes to choosing which cause to support, I am so grateful that my family was bestowed this wonderful gift. This willingness to give is a truly selfless act that embodies the very meaning of kindness. Thank you to everyone that contributed and chose to support us in our time of need. This will have a profound and lasting impact on my family and is a lesson in the spirit of giving. We will forever be grateful for this generous, bighearted community whose belief in doing good makes this all possible. We can only hope that in the future we will be in the position to show others the same compassion and generosity that was shown to us here.

I'm a Stay-at- home Mom of 3 Kids & 1 Cat! We Repaired Our Vehicle but Can't Pay Our Car Note!

My Story:

Hello! I am a stay-at-home mom with 3 beautiful children. My 9-year-old boy is very energetic and loves all things sports. I also have a 2-year-old boy and 1-year-old girl who love to copy each other and chase our family cat, Sydney. My husband and I have been together for 12 years. He has been welding for most of his life and currently works in a steel mill.

While we are normally able to take care of our monthly financial responsibilities, we had a setback when our primary vehicle broke down last month. It took us weeks to be able to gather the funds to take it into the shop, but we were finally able to have it repaired. In the meantime, we have fallen behind on our monthly bills. It has caused us great stress, and we are worried about providing gifts for the children this holiday season. We currently have an unpaid balance for our vehicle. It is the only way I can get my son to school and the rest of the kids to their appointments. If we lose our vehicle, it would put great stress on our family and leave us without transportation this Winter.

This generous gift would bring us current on our car payment and give us a bit of hope. My husband works overtime to provide for us, and we are working on savings should something like this arise in the future. This help would allow us to breathe again. My son is old enough to know of our struggles, and while we do our best to ease his fears, knowing that there is still kindness in the world when others are in need is something I would share with him.

As of 2023-11-24, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-12-04, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $256.17 to Landmark Credit Union on behalf of this deserving individual.