Paid 11/24/2023
Domestic Violence
Misc. Expense

Fully Funded

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Progress: We've raised 100% of the cost of this application!



This person has left the following thank you note:

I am overwhelmed with gratitude as I sit down to write this note. Your generosity has touched our hearts in ways words cannot fully express. Your support has provided a glimmer of hope in what has been an incredibly challenging time for my daughters and me. Your donation to help with our storage unit and cell phone bill means more than just financial relief. It signifies the warmth and compassion of strangers who have come together to support a family in need. In the face of adversity, your kindness has become a beacon of light, reminding us that there is goodness in the world. With your help, we can now work towards retrieving the precious memories and belongings we had to leave behind in such a traumatic and sudden departure. Your contribution has also ensured that I can stay connected with my daughter who is starting her college journey three hours away�a lifeline that means the world to both of us. As we navigate through this challenging period of rebuilding, please know that your kindness has made a significant impact on our lives. We are deeply thankful for your compassion, and we will carry the spirit of your generosity with us on our journey to a brighter future.

My Girls & I Experienced Homelessness After A Violent Incident by My Ex. Help Us Get Back on Track!

My Story:

I'm a single mother, and I'm incredibly proud of my two resilient daughters. My 19-year-old is on a full scholarship at Case Western and studying to become a Nurse Practitioner; she is thriving in her new environment. My 15-year-old and an academic who loves writing and physics. When she's not buried in a book, she's sharing her knowledge with friends or baking delightful treats for all to enjoy. For the past 7 years, I've worked as a science teacher. I'm currently seeking new opportunities while earning my certification to teach in a new city. My youngest daughter and I are staying with my sister as we work toward gaining independence.

In August, my two children and I faced homelessness after a violent incident with my live-in boyfriend. I pressed charges and got a restraining order, but he didn't comply. I had to move and quit my job, depleting my savings. I'm seeking employment and doing odd jobs, but it's not enough, so I'm desperate for help.

We are asking for help with our storage rental and cell phone bill. I'm currently without income and have been denied unemployment benefits while searching for work. I fear losing our belongings and memories. Staying in touch with my college-bound daughter is essential, and your help would mean everything.

This help will positively impact my long-term situation and provide me with the time I need to secure employment and earn a full paycheck. Additionally, it will enable me to gain access to my belongings and preserving irreplaceable items like hand-knitted blankets, baptism gowns, medical records, and photos from a time before the digital age. It's a heartfelt wish that our girls can hold onto these precious memories from their childhood. Your support and consideration mean the world to us as we strive to rebuild our lives and preserve the past for our family's future.

As of 2023-11-24, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-12-04, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $1,340.74 to Extra Space Management/AT&T Mobility on behalf of this deserving individual.