Paid 12/11/2023
Imminent Loss of Housing
Unsupported Single Parent
Imminent Loss of Vehicle

Fully Funded

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Progress: We've raised 100% of the cost of this application!



This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeTo Everyone who helped fund my application. I just want to say thank you for everything. you guys are awesome, and I am so grateful you guys were able to send donors. you guys have just made, my Christmas a lot better. Thank you so much. And happy holidays.

I'm a New Single Mom & Fell Behind on Rent After Repairing My Car. Please Help Us!

My Story:

I am a single parent with a one-year-old in the home. My daughter is my everything, but with inflation and a recent rent increase, I am struggling to make ends meet. My daughter loves to spend time outside enjoying nature. I work full-time for a company who refuses to give any type of raise.

My hardship is based on my debt-to-income ratio. Personally, it is making me feel like less of a parent because I know I can do so much better. I just recently had my car break down on me, and the repair was essential for me to keep my job.

As a result, I am asking for assistance with my rent this month. I fear that I will have to skip out paying on another bill just to pay it in full. This one-time assistance will help me shop for my daughter's first Christmas.

As of 2023-12-11, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-12-19, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $1,031.00 to K3 Homes LLC on behalf of this deserving individual.