Paid 02/06/2024
Medical Emergency
Urgent Health Care
Moving Assistance

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeI am overcome with joy, relief, and many other feelings since being notified that my application has received funding. It brought tears to my wife's eyes when I shared the news with her. The donations that were provided by the various donors will go a long way for my family, and my recovery to obtaining close to full functional use of my hand. Knowing that there are good-hearted people out there who are willing to donate to my struggle when they may be enduring some type of hardship themselves truly makes me want to pay it forward as soon as I have the opportunity. I appreciate all of the donations provided and time spent in reading my story. I am without words on what to say to each of you but in simplest terms, I thank you dearly from the bottom of my heart and wish you a positive and rich year ahead. Happy New Year and thank you, thank you, thank you! Respectfully, John & family

I Crushed My Hand in a Machine at Work & Barely Kept It. Now, My Family is Drowning in Bills!

My Story:

My wife and I have a son and daughter that each have one child of their own. We love being grandparents, and I also have a step son. My wife can't work right now, as she is waiting for her U.S. Residency card to arrive, but I work full-time in the metal fabrication field and am the sole provider for our family.

This line of work can get pretty dangerous if you slip up. About a year ago, I injured my hand in a machine I was operating; without realizing, I bent my fingers inside it, and it was about as painful as you can imagine. After having multiple operations on it, they saved my hand. It is not quite back to its full function yet, but it will get there. I have lost work throughout all of this, so I am working overtime now to catch up. However, my hand started having some significant pain, so I had to miss work again to follow up with the surgeon. On top of this, our landlord did not want us living there anymore, so we had to move apartments. Between the lost wages, medical bills, and moving expenses, we have not gotten to paying our final bill from the previous apartment.

I am asking for help to pay this bill we owe the previous apartment complex; it really would get my family through this hardship. I would be able to focus on recovering and getting full mobility in my hand, and we could even get our son some clothes that he really needs. This one-time help truly would be a blessing. Thank you so much for anything you can offer to us.

As of 2024-02-06, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2024-02-15, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $1,191.48 to Kimball, Tirey, & St John LLP on behalf of this deserving individual.