Paid 11/09/2023
Imminent Loss of Vehicle
First Responder
Special Needs Children

Fully Funded

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Progress: We've raised 100% of the cost of this application!



This person has left the following thank you note:

I just received the news that our family got funded. I never told my husband about applying and now I just to tell him. Not only did I get to tell him what I was trying to get help with but was able to tell him it is approved. So we now get our car saved and can pay our utilities. The relief that washed over him was something that can't be put into words. All I can say is thank you. You have blessed my family in so many ways. I hope in the future we are able to do this for someone else.

My Husband is a Police Officer & We Have 2 Sons With Autism. We're About to Lose Our Car!

My Story:

My husband is a hard-working police officer in the Dallas area. We have 4 kids ages 9, 7, 5 and 2. Both our sons have autism. I am not working, so I can be hands on with the kids full-time. We love spending family time together playing video games and building Legos. My 5-year-old goes to 6 therapy appointments a week which helps him with meltdowns. His little personality is starting to show more and more every day. Both of my girls are very kind and loving to their brothers. It is very neat to watch how understanding they are. Each person in our family is part of our team. We have huddles and decide what our team needs to accomplish or do better at.

Mortgage rates went up, and it caused us to live paycheck to paycheck. Last month, our oldest needed glasses, our car needed repairs, and my youngest son started Pre-K. While I am thrilled that he gets to start Pre-K, this has caused some financial strain. We had also just paid to send the older two kids back to school and had to buy uniforms, supplies, and shoes. All these little expenses have added up over the month, and now, I am unsure how we can pay our car payment. We need our car to take our son to therapy, among other things. Without help, I am going to have to choose between our car or our utilities this month.

This act of generosity would help us get current. It would be a blessing and a burden taken off my husband. He works hard, and even though he doesn't complain, I can see the stress and worry deep down. He doesn't even know I am filling out an application for help. I am hoping to surprise him with some relief. We can refinance our mortgage soon for a lower rate which will help. We just didn't know the market would change so quickly. Our family would be so grateful for this assistance.

As of 2023-11-09, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-11-16, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $578.63 to PNC Bank on behalf of this deserving individual.