Paid 11/07/2023
Imminent Loss of Utilities
Imminent Loss of Vehicle
Death in Family

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

I would like to thank all of the various donors who helped me in my time of need to help with my Internet bill it will alleviate some of the stress to pay. I appreciate every single person who helped us. This has been such a wonderful experience. I was told about modest needs and wasn�t sure if it would work for me and since doing so it brought tears to my eyes knowing I was helped. Thank you again so much for the help. Happy Holidays❤️

We're a Family of 7 Trying to Get By. We Must Pay For Our Car, But Our Internet Will Be Shut Off!

My Story:

I am married to my high school sweetheart, and we've been together for 22 years. We have five daughters and one son that passed away after three days in the hospital due to a heart condition. We have a 19-year-old, 17-year-old, 9-year-old, 5-year-old, and an 8-month-old, and yes, we just keep trying to have another boy. My son would have turned seven years old this January. I lost my job in May 2023, and my husband is a painter who works full-time. Lately, I have been caring for the younger children, and my husband has been bringing in the money.

With the loss of my job, we have had a hard year. My husband had his vehicle repossessed, so he has been using my car. I would need a work-from-home position if I got a job since he must drive to several locations every day for painting. We put a title loan on my vehicle in 2020 when COVID hit, and if I don't make my payments, they will repossess. This is the only car that we have, and these companies do not really work with you. They did give me an extension, but now, we can't cover our internet bill. I have been applying for jobs, but not a lot of remote jobs are hiring right now. If we lose our car, my husband will lose his job, and we have five kids at home. It us just a huge burden.

This act of kindness with our internet bill will help make us current and make sure we're not always falling behind. Hopefully, I get a job sooner rather than later. We would be more than grateful for this help with our internet bill. I've tried to get help locally, but it has just been a dead end. This assistance will restore our faith in our financial situation and allow us to consider buying gifts for our kids this holiday season.

As of 2023-11-07, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-11-08, Modest Needs sent payment via Credit / Debit Card in the amount of $227.80 to Spectrum on behalf of this deserving individual.