Paid 11/24/2023
Medical Emergency
Imminent Loss of Housing
Urgent Health Care

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

I want to start of by saying happy holidays! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story and allowing me to be part of your volunteer experience. It's been a rough couple of months since I got the bad news about my baby boys. I have been emotionally, physically, and mentally affected. The same week that I found out I lost one of by angles, I had planned to have my baby shower and wasn't able to celebrate my babies nor get gifted anything I eventually would need for my babies. I had to cancel everything and process my lost. I can't explain how helpful this grant will be to my family. I have had so many expenses from everyday needs, diapers for my daughter, medical expenses, to purchasing everything for my new born, and with not being payed by my employer it has been hard to make ends meet, especially pay rent. I know my little angle is looking after us now and eventually has lead me to finding amazing donors that helped contibute to my financial hardship. I appreciate you and your time, thank you for being amazing! Finding out my grant was funded is the perfect gift to welcome my baby boy, Andres, wext week, December 2nd!

I Was Pregnant With Twins & One Passed Away. I Have to Carry Both Until Birth. Now I Can't Pay Rent!

My Story:

I am currently living with my 1-year-old daughter and her father. I used to work at a bank before I was put on bed rest, and the father of my beautiful one year old works at a warehouse. My daughter is at the age where she is learning to talk and loves to play all day! We are excited for our baby that is on the way!

On July 10th, I had my regular monthly doctor's appointment with my OB-GYN to check on my twin babies' pregnancy. That day turned into one of the worst days I've experienced. They noticed one of my babies was not doing so well, and I needed to see a twin surgeon immediately because my baby was close to passing away. On July 12th, I was able to see the surgeon, and he confirmed that my baby would have 2 days to survive. Our option was to either terminate the whole pregnancy or have surgery to laser the veins connected between the twins in case one did pass away. This would make it so the other one would not be affected. If I didn't do it, one baby would pass away, and the other could be born with brain damage. I had the surgery the next day, and this made me a very high-risk pregnancy. Ultimately, I was put on bed rest until I gave birth. On August 29th, I went in for my weekly appointment and was given the news that one of my babies had no heartbeat. This was the worst day I could ever imagine.

Dealing with a loss, medical expenses, and just everyday expenses has been impossible. I got a call from my employer that they will not be paying me for my whole time off because I had not worked with them for a year yet. Since I was short by 7 days, they were not obligated to pay me. This has put me in a tremendous financial hardship. They stated that if I waited to get the surgery until the 7 days were up, they could have paid me for my disability time off. I can't explain how difficult this has been. I get a little bit of disability from the state every two weeks, but I have so many bills. The biggest bill is my rent, and I cannot work at all to help come up with the money. Any sudden movement can harm the baby still alive. I am forced to carry my baby that passed away inside of me until my scheduled induction. My expenses are so high that I can't purchase maternity clothes. I don't want to ask for too much, but this one-time assistance with my rent will allow me to continue paying off my medical bills for the surgery. I can pay for my car, so I can go to the doctor every week. I will be able to feed myself and my daughter and buy her all her supplies. This act of kindness will be such a tremendous help; no words could explain how much I need it right now.

As of 2023-11-24, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-12-04, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $950.00 to Mark Anderson & Associates Inc on behalf of this deserving individual.