Paid 12/31/2023
Death in Family
Unsupported Single Parent
Imminent Loss of Housing

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

I am truly grateful for each and every person who donated to my family. Words cannot express my gratitude. Our family being able to receive assistance in time of need has strengthened my faith in people. Donating being selfless and generous inspires me to do the same. May each and every person who blessed our family be blessed tenfold. Thank you!

I'm a Single Mom of 4 Girls & Their Grandma Just Passed. Funeral Costs Have Left Us Behind on Rent!

My Story:

I am a single mother to four beautiful daughters. My oldest is a freshman in college, but my youngest three all still live at home with me. Between my children's school, sports, and social activities, we stay busy. When I'm not running them from activity to activity, I'm working full-time hours as a nurse.

The source of our hardship is two-fold. First, I had an unexpected auto repair in July that was hundreds of dollars. Then, we had a death in the immediate family. My mother / my kids' grandmother passed away in mid-August. We were devastated both emotionally and financially.

I don't make enough money to cover these kinds of emergencies back-to-back, so all the way back in August, I had to use our rent money to pay for the funeral and and car repair. This put us a month behind on the rent, and we've been behind ever since. I have been working extra hours to catch up, but we just got an eviction notice, and I'm just not going to be able to cover this month's rent. Without help, we're going to lose our home.

I am asking for help to afford one month's rent - the month I got behind when my children's grandmother / my mother passed. This assistance would save our home and give me a chance to finally recover from the devastating loss of my mother. Thank you for taking the time to consider our request. Your help would mean more to us than you would ever know.

As of 2023-12-31, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2024-01-11, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $1,240.95 to Conrex Property Management LLC on behalf of this deserving individual.