Paid 11/09/2023
Death in Family
Imminent Loss of Housing
Unsupported Single Parent

Fully Funded

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Progress: We've raised 100% of the cost of this application!



This person has left the following thank you note:

Word�s honestly cannot express what you have done for me and my daughter. This donation has lifted a heavy weight off of me and I cannot thank you enough. It has been a trying year for us but like I told my daughter, I know there are people like us out there. This has allowed us to continue to move forward and take the steps we need for a stable life, but it has also shown my daughter the meaning of �treat people how you want to be treated�. That is something we live by and I�m happy she can actually see it happen rather than me just being the �preacher� of good people. I appreciate this so much and I will definitely be back when we get on our feet to return the love and kindness to someone else in need. You all are amazing and that is an understatement. Like I said, words cannot express what you have done. All I can say is THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

I Lost a Child & Was Then Laid Off. Now My Girl & I Will Be Evicted! Help Us!

My Story:

I am a single mother of a 15-year-old daughter. My daughter is a straight A student that dreams of becoming an actor and getting a degree in forensic science. She loves talking to her friends, going to school, and dancing. I work full-time as a licensed Medicare Agent.

I earn enough money to pay for my basic living expenses, but we still live paycheck to paycheck, and sometimes we do not have enough for things we need. I had no savings and suffered the loss of a child. This caused me to take time off of work. When I finally returned, I was laid off because they were not going to have that position anymore. We had the option to leave without pay or apply for a different position within the company. I decided to apply for a different position within the company. I applied for the Medicare Sales Agent position and was eventually hired full time. The training did not start until recently, so I lost a month of income.

I need assistance to help pay for my rent, as it is one and a half months late. A family member reassured me that they would make the payment, but the check bounced. I have not been able to reach that family member since. I won't get a check until the end of the month, and even that check will not be a full one. I am worried that I will lose my home if I do not pay immediately. My landlord said she is filing for eviction soon.

This one-time assistance will bring our household current again and give us the opportunity to go forward without any debt. It will allow me and my girl to be stable again and focus on her future. It will give me the opportunity to start maintaining my bills and set aside for emergencies. This help will have a major impact on me and my daughter's well being. We are both caring and giving people. I would like her to see that there are people like us that help when others fall short sometimes. We have spent a significant amount of our lives giving back, and I want to show her to know that when the tables turn, someone will be there when she needs it.

As of 2023-11-09, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-12-19, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $1,242.40 to Villas on 517 on behalf of this deserving individual.