Paid 11/24/2023
Urgent Health Care
Special Needs Children

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

We were gathering with family to celebrate Thanksgiving and I saw that our grant had been funded. It brought tears to my eyes and I can't describe how much it meant to me and how special it was to feel so loved. I am so thankful and grateful that we can go into the holiday season feeling so relieved and able to focus on being together rather than on financial stressors.

My Kids Are Autistic & Need Their Therapy, But Since Our Car Broke Down, We Can't Afford It!

My Story:

I am a married mom to two loving children, both of whom are autistic. They require special care and education. My 6-year-old daughter is spunky, creative, and loves art and Pokemon. My 4-year-old son is a silly, sweet little guy who has a special interest in sea creatures. Our sweet dog, Molly, loves watching over the both of them, too. I am a counselor and help people struggling with eating disorders, anxiety and trauma. I recently had to cut back on my hours, so I could get my kids to their appointments (OT, therapy, social group, neurologist). The kids have been having melt downs that the school wasn't able to handle. My husband is also a counselor, but he works with domestic violence and child abuse victims in the military. He also started a second job after I lessened my work hours to help pay for our children's therapy services.

While on paper it seems like we make enough money to get by, between the cost of housing, food, and therapy services, we have been breaking even. This summer, we spent much of our savings on having our children tested for autism and ADHD, attending intensive therapy, and on medical care for my son's broken foot. My husband commutes 45 minutes to work each day because he feels so strongly about working with the DV population. In September, our car suddenly broke down. The cost to fix the car was more than it was worth, and we ended up purchasing a new, sensible car for my husband to take to work.

We are asking for assistance with our children's therapy service. Because both of our children are rigid and routine is so important to them, we feel it would be detrimental to take a break from therapy. However, we cannot afford the cost anymore after our car broke down. We have spent so much time, money, and effort to find the right balance of therapy for our children and stopping that could impact them for a significant amount of time. The money that we have saved has already been used to pay for my daughter's school and son's childcare. We have worked so hard to create a calm life for them both emotionally and financially. Prior to starting these therapy groups, my kiddos were having daily meltdowns and eloping from school. I want them to feel stable emotionally and my husband and I to feel stable financially at the same time.

This assistance will help our kids avoid a bad mental health spiral and help us regain financial stability. This will have a long-lasting impact on our family and teach our children about the power of giving. We would be eternally grateful for your support.

As of 2023-11-24, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-12-11, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $819.00 to Social Learning LLC on behalf of this deserving individual.