Expires in 75 days
Urgent Health Care
Imminent Loss of Utilities
Medical Emergency


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My Husband is Getting Sicker & Sicker, & We Don't Know What to Do. Our Electric is Being Turned Off!

My Story:

I am a married mother of three grown daughters who have recently moved out and are starting to have lives of their own. My husband and I love spending time with our granddaughter or watching our favorite TV shows. Our granddaughter is seven and a ball of energy, but we love our time with her more than anything. We have been married for 29+ years, and it's been a great ride.

Sadly, my husband is sick and is getting worse instead of better. He is diabetic and now has Stage 5 kidney disease. Just last week he started losing sight in one of his eyes. We are waiting to have him see an eye specialist. My husband worked as a behind-the-wheel instructor for a driving school, but in August of 2022, he had a stroke and went from full-time employed to part-time hours. Then they slashed his hours even further. We are looking into getting him on disability, but even if we do, we would not be getting disability assistance for about six to twelve months. I have been working from 4am to 4pm, so hopefully, I will have just enough to pay our rent. We live in Arizona, so our electric bill for the past few months has been hundreds of dollars. If we don't get assistance with it, we will have to live in the dark. I don't know what to do if that happens. I've always worked hard to keep everything paid, but this is really becoming impossible to do on our own.

This assistance will allow us a safe place to live. We will be current with all our bills. My husband is seeing doctors all month, and I'm hoping that he can go back to his regular hours next month. I never ask for help. This is difficult, and I feel guilty because at least we have a home. I know there are people worse off than us, but I don't know what else to do. We need help. We would be so grateful for this kindness.

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$1,949.00  is the total cost to complete this application, including the cost of fulfillment.
$1,949.00  has already been given to Modest Needs by donors who've recommended this application for funding.
$0.00  is the amount necessary to complete this applicant's request for help.