Paid 12/08/2023
Domestic Violence
Imminent Loss of Utilities
Urgent Health Care

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

I am so extremely grateful to see that my request has been fully funded. It brought tears to my eyes. I shared it with my children this morning and in this time of need we are so so very grateful. I can only hope that one day I can pay it forward. I hoped an prayed that it would be granted, and look it was. Thank you to all those that gave to us and all the millions of people and families just like us that need help. God is good and if you believe in the power of others and prosperity one can hope. Thank you Thank you Thank you

I'm a Single Mom & Domestic Violence Survivor. I Was Denied Disability & Fell Behind on Electric!

My Story:

I am a separated mother of two teenagers. I left an abusive marriage with nothing but the clothes on our backs. My children strive to do their best in school, and I strive to be the best mother and worker at my job. My children and I are VERY close, and we do everything together. Through all of this we have learned perseverance and determination. I am a manager for an Audiology Practice in Baltimore, and I help people every day that are struggling to hear. My oldest daughter is starting her first semester of Community College soon, and my son is in 11th grade.

I recently became very ill because I was over 400lbs and borderline Diabetic. I am the only provider for my children. I keep a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs, and lights on so I knew I had to do something to get healthy. I had Gastric Bypass surgery which required 3 weeks off work and then 2 additional weeks of working only 3 days a week. Because I was so overweight and my BMI was so high, my work's short term disability company denied me of short-term disability while I was out of work. This caused me to fall behind on all my bills.

I am asking for assistance keeping our electricity on because it is going to be turned off very soon. It controls the air, heat, lights, and more. I fell behind after having my surgery, and it is very hard having all the expenses relying only on me. I am scared about the power being turned off. I know my children are a bit older, but they rely on me. Certain things took priority over our electric bill, like groceries, so we fell further and further behind.

This one-time assistance will bring us current with our electric company and help my children and I keep our gas and electric on. It will also help me to get a little further ahead; I can stay on track with all my future payments to them. This help would be so greatly appreciated by my little family and really help with one less burden on this single mother of 2. God knows I have enough on my plate, but I never complain. I asked for the good Lord's guidance, and he has lead me to this organization. Thank you for reading.

As of 2023-12-08, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-12-19, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $1,035.52 to BGE on behalf of this deserving individual.