Paid 11/07/2023
Self-Sufficiency Grant

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeMy family and I are overwhelmed with happiness that someone was able to respond and help in our time of need. This amazing gift of kindness means so much for our family. Having a home for Christmas and not havibg to worry about being evicted before the holidays took a great deal of stress off our shoulders. We will forever be grateful to everyone who helped us. Thank you and agod bless.

I'm a Mom of a & 7 Yr Old Boy Who Knows 7 Languages! I'm Behind on Rent After A Health Emergency!

My Story:

I am a married mother of a very bright 7-year-old boy. His name is Max, and as of now, he is fluent in 3 languages. He loves to learn and discover new things. His favorite things are building with Legos and playing outside with his friends. I work at a restaurant as a server, and my wife is working on her business degree.

I earn enough money to pay our monthly bills, but I have only a little set aside for emergencies. In the middle of August, I had to take time off work because of health issues. With only a little money set aside and my paycheck being less than usual, we fell behind on rent.

We are looking for assistance with this; it is one month behind. We had to choose between paying our rent or buying food for our family. We were able to pay our other bills and utilities, but we are worried that we will get evicted if we do not catch up soon. We received a 30-day pay or vacate notice, but our landlord is trying to work with us.

This kindness will bring us current with our rent and relieve a huge stressor that has been on our minds non-stop. When my wife finishes her degree, she will get a job, and this will help us a lot. We can build up more of a savings, so we can take care of things like this when emergencies happen. This assistance would make a huge impact on our family, as this set-back has taken a toll on each of us personally.

As of 2023-11-07, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-12-04, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $1,231.89 to The Commons Apartments on behalf of this deserving individual.