Paid 09/17/2023
Accessibility Equipment
Unsupported Single Parent
Hurricane Ian

Fully Funded

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Progress: We've raised 100% of the cost of this application!



This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeWhen I seen that my request had been funded in my time of need I couldn't believe it!!I'm lost for words by the kindness of everyone that contributed I can't thank you enough but from the bottom of my heart thank you. This gesture has left me speechless by the generosity that there is still lots of kindness left in this world and hope is never lost, once again thank you from the bottom of my heart and may you receive everything good and be blessed always. Thank you to everyone with all sincerity.

Hurricane Ian Ruined My Wheelchair Ramp & I Had To Fix It! Now, I'm Behind on My Wheelchair Bill!

My Story:

I'm a divorced father with 2 daughters, one of which has recently gone off to college, and I share custody of my youngest, currently in 9th grade. I live with my brother who works as a city employee. I need assistance with activities of daily living, but I don't let that get me down. I do what I can with what I have. After a car accident 10 years ago, I sustained a spinal cord injury and my left arm had to be amputated. After years of rehabilitation, I attended a 2-year technical program in Medical Billing and Coding to obtain my degree and get back into the workforce.

My brother usually makes enough income with my SSDI to pay for all our monthly expenses. However, Hurricane Ian damaged the structural integrity and deck boards of the wheelchair accessible ramp I use to be independent, so we had to do some repairs to make it safe to use again. It was a bit expensive and an extra cost that was not anticipated. Add that to all our monthly expenses and the already high costs of wheelchair accessible vehicle maintenance, insurance, and DME, and we fell behind. We were able to catch up on most of our obligations, but we, sadly, fell behind on my vehicle payment. It is my only form of transportation. I use it every day, and it would be a big setback for me and my independence if I was to lose it. Just the thought of that causes so much stress and anxiety.

We are asking for help getting my wheelchair accessible vehicle payment current. It's one month late and losing my vehicle would keep me from my doctor appointments, the grocery store, and my errands. The wheelchair ramp repairs were something that had to be done after the storm; we put it off as long we could.

This kindness would help us get out of this unusual financial crisis. I will soon be able to get back into the workforce, so I can help my brother build better financial stability. This help would have a lifelong impact on us and teach my daughters that when people get together, they can truly make a difference and help each other. Thank you for this small gesture; it's appreciated more than you can imagine.

As of 2023-09-17, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-09-21, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $768.42 to Chrysler Capital on behalf of this deserving individual.