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Urgent Health Care
Unsupported Single Parent
Imminent Loss of Housing


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I'm a Single Mom & Rape Survivor Who Lost Work After Getting Sick. Now, My Son & I May Be Put Out!

My Story:

In my household, it is just my son, Rahmir, and I. He is 10 years old and has been an honor roll student with a 4.0 GPA ever since attending Emmanuel Christian Academy. He is smart, athletic, and an all-around amazing person. My son was the result of a rape, but I have been able to raise him and love him correctly. I currently pay tuition for him to attend this private school because our public school system has failed him. I work full-time as a specialist at Synchrony Financial, and I have been there for 8 years.

Even though I am a single mother, I can make ends meet. I became sick in May and took a leave of absence which changed my financial situation a lot. I put in a change of income for my housing authority, and they requested documents to support my change of income status. However, they said that due to COVID, some of the workers quit and lost my paperwork which is why the change never happened. Finally, months later, they reached out and had me recertify. I submitted all the paperwork yet again. They gave me a limited amount of time to do this and threatened to evict me for past-due rent. I have been homeless before, and it is not an experience that I want to put my son through. The first time that I was in a shelter, I was raped which resulted in me bringing my son into this world. I am sick and a single mother with no support; I am just hoping for one 'yes'. The trauma from all of this is weighing heavily on me. I don't know where I would go or what I would do if I was to lose everything that I have worked for.

My manager for AMHA will work with me, but I already received a three-day notice. I am really trying to avoid going through the court system. I have applied for a lot of help through 211 and my employee assistance program, but I have gotten no answers. I am worried about losing my home and my son not being able to continue his education in a great school.

This act of kindness will bring us a sigh of relief. I will be forever grateful for the help. I have had to be so strong my whole life, and getting this break would help my financial situation tremendously. It will prevent us from being homeless again and restore stability in our lives. I can then focus on getting my mental health together, so I can continue to be the best mother that I can be for that little person who is counting on me. If we were to become homeless, and my son had to leave his school and friends, I would feel like I have failed him, and it would be very traumatic for him. Thank you for listening.

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$1,070.00  has already been given to Modest Needs by donors who've recommended this application for funding.
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