Paid 09/16/2023
Domestic Violence
Unsupported Single Parent

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeThank you so much for taking the time to consider helping me and my boys, and for your generous contributions to helping us stay afloat during this trying time. With your help, I will have some desperately needed financial breathing room and be able to provide for my children in a way that will maintain the stress free environment they deserve. It has been difficult at times to remain positive in the face of all the upheaval we have faced recently, but your generosity has given me new hope and motivation to keep pushing for a better life and future for our little family. I can't begin to thank all of you enough!

I Escaped Domestic Violence with My 2 Boys but Now I Have to Choose Between Groceries & Childcare!

My Story:

I am a single mother to two amazing boys. My 11-year-old is an avid learner with a passion for history, and my 18 month old loves riding his push bike and eating mangoes. We enjoy watching cartoons together, listening to music, and hanging out with our cats and Ladybird, our elderly dog. I am a clinical social worker by trade and work full time as a crisis counselor for a mental health crisis hotline.

We recently moved from Chicago to Philadelphia to be closer to community and to escape domestic violence that I was experiencing at the hands of my youngest son's father. This move is a fresh start and an incredible opportunity for us to thrive as a family, but it wiped out my savings. Additionally, when we moved to PA, I had to reapply for the daycare subsidy that my baby had been receiving in Chicago. As a result of a $1 raise I had received at work, I was denied. I am now on the hook for $1200 a month in childcare costs to be able to continue to work, as I have no financial support and no family to provide care for the baby during my work hours. This has been financially devastating to me as I was already essentially living paycheck to paycheck.

I am requesting help to pay for my younger son's daycare for the next month while I work on submitting new documentation and appealing the decision to deny the subsidy. Right now, I have been having to choose between childcare, rent, or groceries, and I have found myself going days without eating to make sure my boys are fed. I am deeply concerned at how this unexpected expense will affect our ongoing financial stability. If I can't afford to pay for childcare, I can't work, and I am the sole provider for my two children.

This kindness will give me some much-needed breathing room to be able to continue to work and provide for my family while my appeal is processed. I have already submitted my appeal, and I have full confidence that I will be approved for childcare once it is processed, as my income is variable based on how many hours I am scheduled. My caseworker assured me that I would be approved once I submitted additional documentation. Unfortunately, the appeal takes about a month, and I need some help in the interim. This one-time assistance would mean so much to us and provide us with stability. We won't have to worry about rent and groceries while we get over this temporary hurdle. My boys and I would be immeasurably grateful for any assistance.

As of 2023-09-16, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-10-16, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $285.00 to Ncredible Kidz 24 on behalf of this deserving individual.