Paid 10/06/2023
Special Needs Children
Medical Emergency
Imminent Loss of Housing

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeI just want to say thank you to all the donors and Modest Needs for your kindness and generosity. You have lifted a burden and provided a feeling of peace for me. I will forever be grateful and will be paying it forward and helping another person in need. Thank you again, Amy

My Autistic Son Was Hospitalized for 10 Days. Now We Could Be Evicted! Please Help!

My Story:

I am a single Mom to my son, Nicolas. He is 16 and a sophomore in high school. My son is autistic and although he is high functioning and very smart, it is a hard road to parent him alone. It's way different than my other boys. I work full time at Taco Bell, and I have been there for almost 2 years. Prior to that, I worked for H & R Block for 36 years. I left because I could make more money at my current job. I have 4 other boys who are grown up, and I have 2 grandchildren.

I am seeking help with my rent. I haven't been able to save because the money comes and goes right back out. I had a car that was repossessed, and although I finally bought a car from a coworker, it broke down right away. I had a lot of repairs that I had to pay for. My job is 14 miles each way, so I had to ensure I had transportation to get to work. Nicolas also was hospitalized for 10 days because he attempted to hurt himself. When he was released, I took some days off to be home with him to make sure he was ok and safe. He is doing great now, but both things took a toll on my income. This has been very stressful and scary to see my son in the hospital like that and also worry about eviction.

I am asking for assistance with my rent; If I can't come up with this money, I will be evicted. My landlord has been very patient, but I know his hands are tied. I am scared and worried about where we will go. My parents are both deceased, and my brother lives in Alabama. I need to be able to keep my son safe with me in a place that is comfortable and familiar to him.

This one-time assistance will get me back on track financially and personally, it will relieve a lot of worry and stress. I don't feel like I can relax at all right now. It's very unsettling that this happened. I would be so thankful for the help.

As of 2023-10-06, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-11-02, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $1,000.00 to Elevate Property Mgmt on behalf of this deserving individual.