Paid 09/17/2023
Temporary Loss of Income
Imminent Loss of Housing
Imminent Loss of Utilities

Fully Funded

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Progress: We've raised 100% of the cost of this application!



This person has left the following thank you note:

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me get back on my feet financially. Your donations mean so much to me. You're decision to help me has changed the way I see people and I appreciate your willingness to reach out to me. This is a very tough and scary time for a lot of people, including myself. Because of this, I will be forever grateful.

I Moved to LA On My Own to Pursue My Dreams, but Now My Union is on Strike & I'll Soon Be Evicted!

My Story:

I am a single female living in Los Angeles. I was born and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and I come from a big family of 6. I recently graduated from Carnegie Mellon University where I received a full ride and earned my bachelor's in fine arts. After graduation, I moved out to Los Angeles on my own with no support system. Since then, I've managed to gain momentum working as an entertainment professional within the SAG union.

I work directly in the entertainment industry and due to the sudden and ongoing work stoppage (WGA and SAG strike), I have struggled to stay on top of my bills. The project I was working on is now at a standstill and unfortunately, it means that I now live paycheck to paycheck.

I am asking for assistance with my rent. This kindness will help me catch up and restore my sense of stability. It will give me a chance to start building emergency savings and get the rest of my bills up to date. I aspire to make a difference in the world and in the lives of others, and this would make such a tremendous impact on me.

As of 2023-09-17, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-09-21, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $201.09 to LADWP/SoCalGas on behalf of this deserving individual.