Funded 09/07/2023
Self-Sufficiency Grant

Awaiting Funding

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Progress: We've raised 100% of the cost of this application!



This person has left the following thank you note:

Thank you sincerely for your donation to help fund the needs of my family. Your help is very much appreciated and will help sustain us for months to come. Your generosity will not be forgotten, and I intend to one day return the favor. Please know how important your donation is to me and my daughter.

I Am A Single Mom of a Beautiful 12 Yr Old Girl. I Lost Work and Now We Can't Keep Food on the Table

My Story:

I am a single mother of a beautiful 12-year-old daughter. My daughter loves swimming and dancing, and she is very smart. We both love to spend our free time with each other and our Russian blue cat. I graduated from my pediatric residency program in June, and my daughter just started 7th grade.

When I graduated my residency program, my employer was not able to start my contract until August 1st. I thought I would be okay with just one month of unemployment. However, I've received very little from Florida's Department of Employment Opportunity despite filing multiple claims. Because of a delay in their onboarding process, my work won't be starting until the end of August. This has put us in a precarious financial situation where we are now faced with not only an inability to pay regular bills but are also struggling to keep food on the table and our house.

This one-time assistance will help us cover several small bills. Our phone bills, electric bills, regular orthodontist bills, and my medical bills. It adds up to a lot, and this kindness would bring our house current again. Once my new position begins, we will be financially stable and independent again. Your help will have a long-term impact on my daughter and I.

As of 2023-09-07, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.