Paid 10/11/2023
Urgent Health Care
Medical Emergency
First Responder

Fully Funded

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Progress: We've raised 100% of the cost of this application!



This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeLet me just start by telling everyone who so generously help us in our time of need that my entire family thanks you truly from the bottom of our hearts. The funds you've donated are not just going to cover a bill that we were really struggling to cover on our own but also will ensure that we are able to put our single income towards the various therapies (ABA, Speech, and occupational) that our autistic toddler so desperately needs. You've really taken a dark looming cloud following us everywhere and erased it to reveal a sunny clear future. I can't thank you enough for all you've done and how you've surprised and inspired myself and my husband. We are using this experience to highlight the selfless aspect of humanity and importance of helping out others to our young children and we can not wait to pay it forward once we are on stable ground again. Thank you so much!

I'm a Mother of Three & My Autistic Daughter Needed Surgery. Now We Are Barely Staying Afloat!

My Story:

My husband and I have been married for 7 years and have 3 wonderful children together. Our oldest son just completed kindergarten and is a sweet and helpful boy who loves to go fast! Our middle boy is our wild child and our youngest child is our one and only princess. She loves to dance in bubbles, color all day, and swim. My husband has been a first responder for 26 years and is currently the only one working in our home. I worked full time as a insurance processor, but I quit 4 years ago to stay home with my children, as the cost of daycare began to exceed the amount I made monthly.

My husband makes enough for us to keep our heads above water, but we live paycheck to paycheck. Falling back on our credit card for unexpected medical expenses has only worsened our financial situation. Last month, our 2-year-old daughter was diagnosed with severe autism. We suspected her diagnosis since early this year, as she is non-verbal and has been showing signs of being on the spectrum since about 18 months of age. She has been going to speech and occupational therapies to help her cope with her physical insecurities and communication issues. This has been completely out of pocket for us, as our insurance has refused to cover her therapies due to lack of official diagnosis until this month. The situation has been a nightmare, as the waitlists for providers that are able to provide psychological assessments are staggering. We have been in limbo for the past few months having to choose between the therapy that our daughter needs or our groceries.

In March, our daughter needed surgery for her ear tubes. We were advised to get this surgery for her, as the amount of fluid in her ears is a possible cause for her speech issues. Luckily, our insurance did pay most of it, but still, when we got the bill we were shocked at the amount we had to cover out of pocket. Frankly, we're panicking, as we have no way to cover this expense on our own.

I fear for my family's future if we keep going down the road we are on. However, this one-time assistance with her surgical bill will help dramatically, as it will enable us to focus completely on our daughter's current medical costs. Now that we have obtained an official diagnosis, we expect to be able to get more coverage from our insurance for her ongoing speech, occupational, and ABA therapy. This act of kindness will go a long way in getting my family on more stable financial ground so that we are able to dig our way out of debt. We could start working towards a better life for our whole family.

As of 2023-10-11, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-11-02, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $1,164.91 to Baptist Health on behalf of this deserving individual.