Paid 09/07/2023
Temporary Loss of Income
Urgent Health Care
Elderly Persons

Fully Funded

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Progress: We've raised 100% of the cost of this application!



This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeThere is no words to express my family's appreciation for your donation. My family and I would like to thank you from the bottom of our heart for your contribution to our cause. This blessing has now secure a home for my love ones and has giving me the peace needed to continue this battle. I feel extremely blessed and thank God for placing individuals with kind and beautiful heart in my life willing to help individual in my situation without even knowing me. May God bless your kind heart and all your family! Your contribution has just saved my family!

I'm a Mom With Breast Cancer & Left My Job To Care for My Sick Mom. I Can't Pay My Medical Bills!

My Story:

My name is Lidia, and I am 38 years old. I am a married mother of two loving boys, who I love with all my heart. My first born, Gabriel, is currently 8 years old, and my little one, Uriel, is 3 years old. My 79 year-old loving mother lives with us due to her medical conditions. We all enjoy spending time as a family, especially going for walks and playing outside with our adopted dog (Choco) and cat (Macho). My husband and I work full-time at a college, but I am currently under Intermittent FMLA due to my breast cancer diagnosis and so I can help my mother with her medical conditions. I believe God has blessed me with an amazing and caring family, and even though times can be a little tough sometimes, we try to enjoy life every minute.

Due to our current situation, we have endured several financial hardships. I was hospitalized several times for my chemotherapy treatment, surgery, and radiation therapy. As a result, I was unable to work for some time, and unfortunately, the bills, groceries, and daycare payments didn't stop. All of our savings has gone to my treatment, and our family lifestyle has changed drastically to make ends meet. A new bill comes in almost everyday, and it makes me uneasy. This has taken a huge toll on my family. I do my best to keep up with all payments and set payment plans, however, I do admit that at times I have fallen behind. I have always considered myself to be a hard worker and dedicated mother, but due to this illness, I get overwhelmed and endure hardships.

This one-time assistance will greatly help my family and I. There are times when paying the mortgage puts us in a difficult situation. I am afraid deep down that we will become homeless. Just the thought of not being able to provide a roof for my two little ones and my sick mom can be extremely stressful and heart breaking.

This act of kindness will make me feel extremely fortunate and blessed, as it will provide some relief to my family. We can catch up with some medical bills and not worry about the stability of our home. I would be able to focus more on my recovery from breast cancer and giving my children a normal, happy childhood.

As of 2023-09-07, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-09-21, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $1,686.97 to Home Point Financial Corporation on behalf of this deserving individual.