Paid 09/27/2023
Imminent Loss of Housing
Temporary Loss of Income
Unsupported Single Parent

Fully Funded

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Progress: We've raised 100% of the cost of this application!



This person has left the following thank you note:

Thank you thank you thank you! All of you who donated to my family. This has been the hardest year for us and we are in so much awe of the help you have provided!! God Bless!

I'm a Single Mother Struggling to Keep Our Home After a Brief Gap in Employment! Please Help Us!

My Story:

I am a hardworking mother of three children, striving to provide for my family while juggling the responsibilities of my job at a hospital. As a biller in the billing department, I work diligently to ensure the smooth operation of financial matters. I had my oldest child when I was still a teenager, and I have faced numerous challenges, but through sheer determination, I have managed to secure a stable position at my job and be a dedicated mother to my children. My children, aged 14, 12, and 10, are wonderful kids, and I strive to shield them from witnessing my struggles or feeling the burden of our circumstances. I am currently pursuing a Medical Billing degree, but the stress has become overwhelming, forcing me to take a semester off from my studies.

Our financial hardship began earlier this year. Despite receiving a promotion at my previous job, it took four months for my pay to be updated. During that time, my car broke down, leaving me burdened with a car payment and a personal loan. I have struggled to get it fixed, spending money on repairs, and ultimately had to sell the car to Carmax. However, I am still saddled with the personal loan since my car was listed as collateral. Now, I find myself struggling to pay my rent and desperately needing a new car as I have recently started a new job, but the lack of pay during that time has caused us to fall behind on our rent, and now we're facing imminent eviction.

It is difficult to admit my desperation and reach out for help, but I have reached a point where I have to ask for assistance for the sake of my children. I am deeply grateful for any support or assistance we receive during this difficult time. This help with my rent would provide much-needed relief and help me restore financial stability to mine and my children's lives. I remain committed to working hard and providing the best possible future for my children, and this act of generosity would bring us one step closer to that goal.

As of 2023-09-27, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-09-28, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $2,150.00 to April Shen, Landlord on behalf of this deserving individual.