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I Missed Work Due to an Injury & Then a Mass on My Leg. Please Help Us Keep Up with Our Mortgage!

My Story:

I'm a single grandmother, and I have three wonderful grandchildren that I love to spend time with. I find great joy in serving my community, volunteering, and mentoring others. I have a deep appreciation for nature and love spending time outdoors. Since moving here a year ago, I've been eager to start my own garden, teaching my grandchildren the value of growing their own food and the beauty of gardening.

However, life took an unexpected turn a few months ago. I have been struggling with severe Achilles heel issues while working at a busy airport. Unfortunately, things worsened in early April 2023. My left leg became strained and swollen, preventing me from even walking into work. Concerned, my doctor advised me to rush to the emergency room, fearing a blood clot. Tests revealed a mass in the back of my left leg, and I was referred to an orthopedic doctor. The orthopedic doctor determined that surgery was necessary to remove the mass, which meant I would be out of work for three weeks during my recovery. Without sufficient sick time, I had no choice but to take unpaid leave. Living paycheck to paycheck, this unforeseen absence from work has caused significant financial hardship. I am the sole provider for my household, and the weight of financial responsibilities falls solely on my shoulders.

I am now faced with the daunting task of paying my June mortgage. Due to the financial strain from being out of work in May, coupled with the expenses of surgery and recovery, I couldn't save enough to cover this obligation. The mortgage payment is due in a matter of weeks, and while my potential return to work is estimated for June 1st, I won't receive a paycheck in time or large enough to cover our mortgage. As a result, I'm very humbly asking for assistance. My ultimate goal is to overcome these physical challenges, regain my strength and health, and work overtime to establish an emergency savings fund for future financial crises. I am tremendously grateful that the mass was not cancerous, and I remain optimistic about the upcoming physical therapy and my return to work. In the meantime, I want to thank everyone who lends us support with this missed mortgage payment. I will never forget the kindness we're shown.

Help Complete this Application

$2,082.00  is the total cost to complete this application, including the cost of fulfillment.
$11.00  has already been given to Modest Needs by donors who've recommended this application for funding.
$2,071.00  is the amount necessary to complete this applicant's request for help.


is the amount I'd like to give to Modest Needs, and I'd like to recommend that Modest Needs fund this request for help if possible.