Paid 05/30/2023
Imminent Loss of Vehicle
Medical Emergency
Temporary Loss of Income

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

Thank you so so much! This is a big step towards getting back on my feet financially, which relieves so much stress and pressure. Since we all know stress is not good for a body, your kindness is also helping my physical health a LOT. This reminder that there are kind-hearted people in this world is so uplifting. You�ve made my life better, and my kind donors and Modest Needs have my promise that I will pay that forward and make a difference in someone else's life like you have in mine.

Medical Issues Have Kept Me Out of Work & I Need Help Keeping Our Only Vehicle!

My Story:

I've been a Grant Writer for nonprofits for over 20 years. I spend my days writing the words that help nonprofits to help people, and I love my work! I raised three children and did so as a single parent on a single income for half of their lives. They are all good young adults now and doing well, thank God, with college degrees. Two of them also work jobs that help others. When I started having health problems, they were so 'there' for me--driving me for tests, to the surgeries, visiting me in hospital, bringing food etc. My oldest flew in from Colorado to care for me during the first week I was home after two of the surgeries I had to have.

Those medical issues are the source of my current hardship, but same as for many people, things have been hard for me since the pandemic began. In August of 2020, I lost my full-time job due to COVID. In November 2020, I found part-time work as an independent contractor but that plus the unemployment I was receiving did not cover my living expenses, and I had to empty my limited savings. Throughout 2021, I had severe stomach trouble, and then in 2022, I had three different surgeries to correct the issues I was having. I was in the hospital a total of 21 days, paid over $1,500 in co-pays, and over $2,500 for medical equipment, care, and a special diet. I lost 10 weeks of work in 2022, then for an additional 3-4 weeks was on doctor-ordered light duty where I was allowed to only work two hours per day. I am slowly recovering, and it's only in the last 6-7 weeks that I've been able to shower without help, sit up for more than an hour, drive myself, bend to pick anything up, or do most day-to-day tasks like sweep my kitchen floor etc. I make just enough working part-time as a Grant Writer to pay my bills each month but not enough to catch up. I'm one month behind on several bills including my car payment, and I need urgent help before my vehicle is repossessed.

I'm very humbly asking for assistance with my car payment so that I can hold onto my vehicle and weather this storm until I can return to work full-time. I am finally well enough to look for more work. Many nonprofits want to bring in more grants, so I expect that within 5-6 weeks I will have a second part-time work where I'll be able to finish catching up and also be able to put some income away for emergencies. Thank you in advance for this assistance, and I promise that I will find a way to pay this support forward.

As of 2023-05-30, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-06-07, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $645.53 to Capital One Auto Finance on behalf of this deserving individual.