Paid 05/22/2023
Self-Sufficiency Grant

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeMy family is so entirely thankful for every single people who has helped us during this very stressful time in our lives. You not only have helped myself and my husband but you have also helped our 2 young children. Maddox 1 years old and Ezlyn who is 2. Due to my husband not working and now myself because I have to be his care taker during this time, you have helped me not worry about our household bills for the month. I will be able to concentrate on my husbands health. And our 2 small children. We never expected to be in a situation like this and you definitely gain a new outlook on like and a new understand of others around you. It has been a very humbling experience. We are in our 20s and we have so much more to live for. This is not the end of my husbands road. I am trying to focus on getting his life and our families lives back to normal, or our new normal! I plan to advocate for him and others who have been through similar situations and I plan to make the public more knowledge on strokes and brain tumors. We have a lot of young friends who had no idea, including ourselves on stroke information, I need to get the word out because strokes do not just happen to the elderly. My family is forever thankful!

My Husband Was Diagnosed with a Brain Tumor. Please Help Us Keep Our Home While He Recovers!

My Story:

I am a married mother of my 2 children who works part time in an urology office. My husband is a 28 year old painter by trade. He is the main income source for our family. He is so hard working and does everything he can to give his family the best life he can!

My husband was just diagnosed with a rare brain tumor. He's had one brain surgery already and just under went a second surgery this week. He was expected to go back to work shortly there after, if everything had gone to plan. But he ended up suffering a stroke during surgery leaving him with disabilities and he will be transferred to in patient rehab for weeks. In the meantime, our income has dropped to almost nothing. Because my husband is an independent contractor, when he's unable to work, there's no PTO or disability. He simply doesn't get paid, and right now, we're living on one-third of our normal household income.

When my husband is able to return to full-time work, our lives will also return to normal. But for now, we're really struggling, especially with our mortgage. We're already two months behind, and the bank has started to threaten us with foreclosure. If we can catch up with our house payment, we can stay caught up at least with that until my husband is back work. But without some help, we're going to lose our home over a medical emergency that we could not have predicted or prepared for.

We've never had to ask for help before, but we're usually the ones who do the helping in our family. Now that we're the ones who need help, we legitimately have no one to ask and no one we know who can help us. So I'm asking if you would please, please consider helping us catch up on our mortgage so that we can keep our home while my husband recovers from brain surgery & gets back to work. Your help would mean more to us than I can express, and I promise that, one way or the other, I'll be back to pay it forward as soon as my husband is back to work. Thank you for reading and for any help you can offer!

As of 2023-05-22, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-06-01, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $1,428.00 to Gateway Mortgage Corporation on behalf of this deserving individual.