Already Expired
Self-Sufficiency Grant
Imminent Loss of Vehicle
Misc. Expense


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I'm Struggling to Care For My Mother Because My Car Needs Urgent Repairs! Please Help!

My Story:

I'm a single man, and I live on my own, but I'm also the primary caretaker for my mother. I regularly take her to her doctor's appointments and do her grocery shopping for her. In addition to caring for her, I work full-time as an assistant manager at a local gas station. The pay is decent enough, and it allows me to live paycheck to paycheck, but I never have anything to put away in emergency savings.

Recently, my car unexpectedly broke down, and originally, I thought I might be able to handle it on my own. However, it turns out that the vehicle needs a new manifold, and that's going to be fairly expensive for me to replace on my own. My mom relies on me for almost all of her essential care, and without my vehicle I haven't been able to get her to doctor's appointments, and I haven't been able to grocery shop for her. We've been having to rely on friends and other family, but we can't always count on them for assistance. I'm mostly concerned with the toll this situation is taking on my mother's health. With that in mind, I'm asking for assistance with the repairs that my vehicle needs to have done.

Getting back on the road would give me a chance to get my mother and I back on our feet again. I'll be able to get to work easily, and most importantly, I'll be able to take care of my mother. Truly, this assistance would be lifesaving, and knowing how impactful it would be for my family, I want to promise to pay this forward to another family in need as soon as possible. Thank you to everyone in advance for this assistance with repairing my vehicle. My mother and I will never forget this.

Help Complete this Application

$2,492.00  is the total cost to complete this application, including the cost of fulfillment.
$41.00  has already been given to Modest Needs by donors who've recommended this application for funding.
$2,451.00  is the amount necessary to complete this applicant's request for help.


is the amount I'd like to give to Modest Needs, and I'd like to recommend that Modest Needs fund this request for help if possible.