Already Expired
Death in Family
Temporary Loss of Income
Imminent Loss of Housing


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Deaths in My Family, a Divorce, & a Loss of Hours Are All About to Cause Me to Lose My Home!

My Story:

I'm 31 years old, and I'm currently going through a tough time in my life. I'm in the middle of a divorce, and that's come right after losing my step-dad and both of my grandmas back to back. It's been a difficult time for me emotionally, but I'm also now on my own financially, and that's come with its own set of struggles as well. My hours at Amazon have been reduced from full-time to part-time because the freight volume is low. It's hard for me to keep going when my income has been cut in half due to the divorce and then reduced. Luckily, I have my ESA pet yorkie, Gates. He helps me through the darkest days.

As a result of the divorce and my hours being reduced, I've had a very hard time keeping up with all of my bills, and I'm now living from paycheck to paycheck. I try to save where I can, but I never have enough to put away. This month one of my grandmothers passed away, and my family and I had to come together to afford her funeral and burial since she had aged out of her insurance policy. It was a large expense, and then shortly after that, my husband left and served me divorce papers.

This whole situation has made it difficult for me to afford my rent, and so I'm very humbly asking for assistance with that. If I can't get caught up soon, I'll lose my home, and that will make a bad situation even worse. On the other hand, this assistance would put me immediately back on track and for that I would be so grateful. I'll be able to focus on rebuilding my life, and I promise that I will never forget the kindness that I'm shown in this moment.

Help Complete this Application

$2,935.00  is the total cost to complete this application, including the cost of fulfillment.
$4.00  has already been given to Modest Needs by donors who've recommended this application for funding.
$2,931.00  is the amount necessary to complete this applicant's request for help.


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