Paid 03/31/2023
Medical Emergency
Temporary Loss of Income
Imminent Loss of Utilities

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeI am truly humbled and grateful for the assistance received on this platform. It is instrumental to fighting my way back from being behind in my bills. I cannot thank you enough for your help or begin to put in words how much your assistance means to me. I plan on paying it forward when I am able. God bless you and I hope you realize how much your support means to me.

After Switching Jobs & Overcoming Cancer, I Need Help With a Past Due Sewage Bill!

My Story:

I am a 53-year-old breast cancer survivor. I had a high deductible insurance plan and many medical bills after my battle with cancer, and those two factors both put me in a bad spot financially. I switched jobs after beating cancer, and I decided to work for Amazon due to the healthcare benefits they provide. I worked there for almost 18 months, but the physical toll of the job itself forced me to quit. I simply could no longer physically do it. I was unemployed for a little while, and now work at a temp agency. Thanks to the gap in employment I dealt with, I got behind on my bills, and I am having a hard time catching up.

When I left Amazon, I took a paycut in order to do so. Despite that, I'm able to budget and keep up with my bills for the most part. The gap in employment that I dealt with forced me to pick and choose what bills I could cover. In order to cover my mortgage, I decided to forgo paying my sewage bill, but that has caught up to me now, and I need help. I'm humbly asking for assistance with my sewage bill so that I can get back. It would be the first time in a long time that I have been on track, and I would be very grateful. Cancer took a huge toll on me, but I know that I can bounce back with this assistance, and once I do, I will find a way to pay it forwards.

As of 2023-03-31, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-04-10, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $584.10 to The Landis Sewerage Authority on behalf of this deserving individual.