Paid 03/29/2023
Self-Sufficiency Grant
Imminent Loss of Utilities
Temporary Loss of Income

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeIn this current economy with prices skyrocketing in every area, many people that were once 'well-to-do' may no longer be in that position. With this in mind, me and my family would like to thank everyone that extended themselves out to us in our time of need. Your funding will allow us to get back even with utility bills and an overdue rent balance that has been that way for over half a year. We realize that you may have sacrificed something you needed in order to fulfill our needs. There is no end to the gratitude that we feel for receiving assistance from people we don't know and will most likely never even meet. It's good to know that when everything around you may be crumbling, there are still people who care enough to help us put the pieces back together. It was difficult for us to ask for help this way, but we literally ran out of options. Our car was on the verge of repossession, so being stubbornly prideful would not help us in any way. Thankfully, Modest Needs make it relatively easy to ask for help and with your assistance we will be able to pull ourselves out the hole that we fell into after I was out of work for eight weeks. So we thank you and will surely keep you and the organization in mind if and when we will be financially able to return the favor.

My Company Moved Me to a Different Branch & My Move Has Been Delayed! Please Help Me Catch Up!

My Story:

I'm originally from Chicago, but I moved down to central Alabama, and I've been here for a few years now. My three children, who are 21, 18 and 16 years old, still live in Illinois with their mother. I moved here to Alabama over ten years ago, a result of a broken relationship with their mother. My own parents and siblings had moved here years prior, and I chose to come down here myself for a fresh start and a change of scenery. I live with my girlfriend and her daughter, and me and my girlfriend have been together pretty much since I moved down here.

Both me and my girlfriend work full-time to support ourselves and her daughter, and we typically make just enough to get by. Any interruption to our income causes us major financial issues, so the most recent hardship I'm dealing with has us in a difficult situation. The company I work for, Sitel, recently executed an internal transfer with several of their agents. Because I am being moved to a different vendor, a new background check was submitted. As of 01/09/2023, that background check with First Advantage was STILL pending. When I first began working for the company back in March of 2022, the background check took only days to complete, but this one took close to a month. As a result of this unexpected delay, through no fault of my own, I have been out of work for over a month with no income. We're behind on our major bills, and right now I'm really worried that our power is about to be disconnected.

My first priority is keeping our power on through the winter. My landlord has been understanding thus far, so I think we'll be able to work with him on the rent. However, the electric company doesn't negotiate, and without assistance with catching up, they'll shut our power off. The background check should be completed soon, and when I'm able to return to work we'll be in a much better financial situation. Until then, we are in desperate need of assistance with our electric bill, and we would be so relieved and so grateful to receive this support. Thank you all in advance for lending my family a hand with this bill.

As of 2023-03-29, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-04-03, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $617.31 to Alabama Power on behalf of this deserving individual.