Paid 01/30/2023
Unsupported Single Parent
Imminent Loss of Utilities
Temporary Loss of Income

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeMy daughter and I can not thank you all enough! Your generosity has restored hope and faith for us both that we will soon be able to find a place to call home. I can not express how much this means to us, bless you and your families! Thank you so very very much!

I'm a Single Mother Facing a Gap in Employment, & I Need Help Keeping Our Utilities On!

My Story:

I am the mother to an intelligent, creative and overall amazing kiddo. My daughter, who most recently celebrated her 17th birthday, is an amazing artist! She is the absolute highlight of my day, every day! She is my purpose and ensuring that she has access to every opportunity presented has been my mission since before she even entered this world. We have two cats whom we adore. Due to COVID-19 and underlying health conditions, my daughter has not attended in person schooling since the pandemic began. However, she has worked extremely hard to obtain her High School Diploma via Home Instruction.

Currently, I work full-time as a Production Specialist at a sign/design company. I'm the sole income earner in my household, as my daughter's father was murdered in 2013. I have parented alone for most of my daughter's life. After losing my grandmother to a long battle with cancer, I don't have any support from my family. Regardless of the heartache, my daughter and I stay close and look out for each other. We are truly all that we both have, and we sincerely are best friends!

An extremely long and heartbreaking story made brief; I became unemployed in August of 2022. I resigned as an Admissions and Advising assistant at the local community college due to discrimination against myself and students during a meeting with my superiors. I took my role seriously, and even served as a Student Ambassador, and was a panelist at an event for Adult Learners. Following this, my daughter, and I became displaced. Although I was able to obtain an apartment for my child and I, we experienced hardships beyond anything we could've imagined. We are still trying to rebuild, and I can't cover our gas and electric bills this month. I would be very humbled and grateful to receive assistance with these two bills, as it would do so much to get us immediately back on track again. Thank you.

As of 2023-01-30, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-01-31, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $456.75 to BGE on behalf of this deserving individual.