Paid 03/08/2023
Imminent Loss of Housing
Misc. Expense
Temporary Loss of Income

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeI first want to thank you for your generosity and forever grateful for your donation. It means a lot to me because I'm reminded of God's goodness and that he used you to demonstrate his care for me. As former foster youth, I've often felt alone but it's miracles like this that I'm reminded that I'm not. Thank you for responding and showing that you don't have to know someone to help.

I Had to Relocate Unexpectedly & Need Help Covering My Rent After Paying for Movers!

My Story:

I'm a single woman, and I live on my own. I grew up in the foster care system, and the struggles that I faced have led me to become a national advocate for children in foster care. I enjoy helping others, and I create Disney devotional series for children. As far as work goes, I'm employed full-time as a Community Engagement Children's Needs Coordinator. I'm proud of the work that I do, and it's very fulfilling; however, I do tend to live check to check.

I earn enough to cover all of my basic expenses, but I never have much to put into savings. After an unexpected change of living situation, the small savings that I did have has been completely wiped out. I won't go into details here, but I recently had to relocate, and I have been struggling to afford my rent after covering moving expenses and a larger than normal security deposit. As a former foster youth, I don't have family to rely on for support, and it's been very difficult for me to remain secure in my housing situation. With that in mind, I'm seeking assistance with my rent for this month, as I don't have the means to afford it after covering unexpected moving expenses, as well as an unexpected security deposit.

After just moving into my new home, I'm worried that if I fall behind, I'll lose it almost immediately. Falling behind now would almost certainly lead to me being evicted, but with this help, I can stay current and keep my home. After years in the foster system and without a place to call home, I'm in need of some stability. For that reason, I would be truly appreciative of all of the kind and generous people who support me. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

As of 2023-03-08, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2023-04-26, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $1,020.00 to Genesis Hopeful Haven on behalf of this deserving individual.