Paid 11/27/2022
Unsupported Single Parent
Temporary Loss of Income
Imminent Loss of Vehicle

Fully Funded

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Progress: We've raised 100% of the cost of this application!



This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeI would like to take the time to say thanks and most of all god bless those who helped me during my time of need. It�s greatly appreciated to everyone who was able to donate at this time. It�s especially difficult with the holidays coming up as well that my donors were able to help provide for my family during this time. It�s means the world to us and I promise to pay forward to those in need in the near future. Everyone is greatly appreciated and god bless your soul for helping a family that needed it tremendously!

My Vehicle Needs New Tires, but I Can't Afford to Replace Them While Working Part-Time! Please Help.

My Story:

I am a single mother with a 6-year-old daughter, and I'm currently 3 months pregnant with my second child! My daughter is in 1st grade and loves to do gymnastics. She is very brilliant and has a great, kind heart for her age. For instance, she's always willing to share and be there for someone in need. I currently work part time at St. Joes Medical Center and attend RACC for the Nursing Program. I'm always busy with work, school, and being a parent, but I have to do my best for the sake of my family.

While attending school, I've dropped down to part-time hours in order to accommodate my classes. School takes up most of my time, and it's crucial to only work part time hours due to the high demands placed on me while studying for clinical applications. I love my schoolwork, and I'm looking forward to advancing in my career, but it's been very difficult on my daughter and I financially. Even with part-time hours, I'm still able to keep up with all of our monthly bills, but I don't ever have enough put away to deal with large expenses.

Unfortunately, my vehicle is in need of four new tires, and I don't have the income to be able to replace them without sacrificing elsewhere. With that said, I'm humbly seeking assistance with getting my tires replaced so that I can keep our vehicle on the road. My daughter and I rely on our vehicle for everything and without it we're struggling to get by. This assistance will keep us going for years to come. I'll have about two to three years' worth of tire life, and by that point, I'll have graduated nursing school and will be in a much more stable position financially. In the meantime, my daughter and I would be very grateful for this assistance, and I promise to pay it forward when I can.

As of 2022-11-27, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2022-12-06, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $715.50 to Jeff D'Ambrosio Auto Group on behalf of this deserving individual.