Paid 11/07/2022
Unsupported Single Parent
Imminent Loss of Vehicle
Misc. Expense

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

It takes a great sense of setting your pride aside to ask for help. I�m the last year I�ve been vulnerable beyond my comfort zone and have found myself in positions where I�ve relied more on strangers for help than I�ve been able to my own family. I would not be where I am right now without the help of others who don�t even know me, extending such selfless, kindness to my children and I. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to receive assistance just to keep pushing forward despite the setbacks we continue to face. It truly takes a village not just to raise children but to also support families of every shape and size. I am so grateful for your kindness as it�s more than just monetary help, it�s helping our family overcome barriers and helping restore our faith to overcome. Thank you, I am beyond grateful!

After Leaving an Abusive Marriage, My Children & I Need Help Getting Our Vehicle Back on the Road!

My Story:

I'm a mother of four, and I'm currently going through a very difficult divorce. My ex-husband was acting very dangerously and abusively towards our children, so I made the decision to file for a divorce and to seek custody of our children for their safety. It's been a long and expensive battle, but I now have custody of my children, and they are much safer. My children are my world, and I'm so grateful for all of them. They're all very active and love sports. My oldest daughter plays volleyball and wants to be a cheerleader, while my middle two are currently playing soccer. My youngest is only 3 years old, so he doesn't play sports yet, but I'm sure he'll follow in the footsteps of his siblings. I'm in the process of trying to find childcare for him now because I work full-time, but it's been hard to find anything that's affordable. On top of that, I've also spent an arm and a leg on attorney fees over the past year, and my ex-husband still refuses to pay court ordered child support, so we're entirely on our own financially.

In addition to the hardship brought on by the actions of my ex-husband and the divorce, we're also dealing with the aftermath of a very serious car accident. On 8/18 my children and I were in a car accident on the way to school. We were sitting at a red light when a woman T-boned us. Due to the fact she was having a medical emergency and ended up having a stroke, she is not liable for the repairs, and I had to file the claim under my insurance. I have to cover a fairly substantial deductible, as well as the cost of a new tire, and I can't afford to do that after everything my family has already been through. I desperately need to get our vehicle back on the road, so I'm very humbly asking for assistance with affording the repairs we need to make to it.

We are struggling with a lot of different things right now. All of my children are currently in counseling due to the abuse that they suffered. We lost our home in March, and my ex-husband hasn't paid child support since February. As a mother, it's really difficult for me to watch my family struggle like this, but this assistance with getting our car repaired would do a lot to help me get my family back on top of this situation. I promise that my family will never forget the blessings that we receive, and I promise that I will find a way to pay it forward when I'm able to. Thank you.

As of 2022-11-07, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2022-11-15, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $634.10 to BSD Auto Body LLC on behalf of this deserving individual.