Paid 11/17/2022
Self-Sufficiency Grant
Imminent Loss of Utilities
Medical Emergency

Fully Funded

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Progress: We've raised 100% of the cost of this application!



This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeI can not thank you guys enough for your generosity. This will help us tremendously. With power starting to go up due to the cold. We are relieved that we will not have our power shut off. Again, we truly appreciate each and everyone that donated. Happy holidays! You have definitely made mine ❤️ Kelly

My Husband Missed Work Due to a Surgery & Then to COVID. Please Help Us Keep Our Power On!

My Story:

I'm a wife and a mother of one wonderful child. I stay at home with our child to care for them, but also because I struggle with my mental health and severe symptoms of PTSD. The symptoms are often debilitating, and I can't keep a consistent job because of them. However, my husband does work full-time, and when he has a consistent paycheck, we're always able to get by.

The problem lately is that my husband hasn't had a consistent paycheck. He had knee surgery in mid-June, and it took him a little longer than expected to recover. All in all, he missed about six weeks of work and all of that time off was unpaid. We struggled to keep up with all of our bills while he was out, but we managed to keep up with everything until recently. Last month, my husband caught COVID, and he missed a little over a week of work as a result. At the time, we weren't very worried because his employer had a paid-leave policy in place for employees who catch COVID. However, when he returned and received his first paycheck it was much smaller than we expected. It turns out that his employer had denied him paid-leave due to COVID because, and I quote, 'the pandemic is over.' Still, they required him to stay home when he tested positive, and they wouldn't let him return until he had quarantined, so he was forced to follow those protocols but without pay because 'the pandemic is over.' Without receiving my husband's full paycheck, we've fallen behind on our electric bill and need help catching up before our service is shut-off.

If we're able to get help with our electric bill, we'll be able to put this short-term hardship behind us once and for all. We're making plans to budget more effectively so that we can rebuild the small savings that we had, and once we do that, we'll be in a much more stable place financially. Thank you to everyone who lends us a hand up with our electric bill.

As of 2022-11-17, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2022-11-21, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $411.75 to Potomac Edison on behalf of this deserving individual.