Paid 12/14/2021
Temporary Loss of Income

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeI want to thank everyone for the help you have given me and especially with my granddaughter I can�t tell you how grateful I am and what a blessing this truly is. I just can�t say thank you enough. After all the tragedy that we have indured I had given up on man kind but the help you have give to my family has restored that now I know there are still loving and caring people out there that are willing to help people like me and others alike. Thank you and God Bless you. You are truly amazing and wonderful.

My Family has Experienced Tragedy after Tragedy, & We Need Help If We're Going to Recover!

My Story:

I raised five children on my own as a single mother, and all of them have grown up, moved out, and they're living their own lives now. Thankfully, I still get to spend time with all of them and my 18 grandchildren. I live with and care for one of my granddaughters as well as my 16-year-old cat and my 2-year-old chihuahua. My granddaughter who lives with me is 12 years old, and I do everything I can to provide for her.

I work full-time as a shift leader at a restaurant, and I usually make enough to handle all of our bills. However, I had to miss work recently when my daughter, my son in law, and my three grandchildren all fell ill with Covid-19. I was in quarantine with them for 10 days while they recovered. Since then, it seems like my family has just experienced tragedy after tragedy. Seven days after being in quarantine, my son in law took his own life in front of my daughter and two of my grandchildren. I've been doing my best to help her with everything and to get her into grief counseling. Then six days after that, my granddaughter who lives with me lost her other grandmother after she was shot and killed. Just when I thought it would all end, nine days later her father passed away as well. There has been a seemingly endless cloud of tragedy hanging over my family, and we desperately need some relief.

I haven't been able to work at all in the past month due to all of the things that have happened to my family, and I've fallen behind on almost all of our major bills. Specifically, I'm behind on our car payment, our water, and our electric bills. This series of tragedies has us on the brink of collapse, and we need assistance to pull us back from the edge. I'm heading back to work soon, but I know it won't be enough for us to catch up before it's too late. We've experienced so much death and hardship over the past month, so beyond the financial relief this assistance would provide us with, it would also do so much just restore our sense of hope. We'll be able to look to the future and look back on this as a time where generosity and kindness outshone loss and pain. We would be so grateful to all of the people who come together to help, and I know my family will never forget this.

As of 2021-12-14, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2021-12-30, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $1,022.55 to Carmax Auto Finance//City of Gulfport Water and Sewer//Coast Electric Power Association on behalf of this deserving individual.