Paid 02/26/2021
Unsupported Single Parent
Imminent Loss of Housing
COVID-19 Essential Worker

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

I want to say how much I really appreciate everyone who donated to my need. I am truly blessed and will be praying each and everyday for everyone who helped me. This really means a lot to me and brings tears to my eyes and makes my heart so happy. I know my daughter probably won�t understand, but she will be happy as well. Again thank you everyone! God will continue to bless each and everyone of you. God bless, stay safe and healthy!

After Losing Hours at Work to COVID, I Need Help If We're Going to Keep Our Home!

My Story:

I'm a single father of one daughter. She's my entire world, and everything that I do is for her and her success. She's adventurous and loves to play outdoors more than anything else. Really, it's just a joy to watch her grow and learn day in and day out. I have two jobs currently, and I work as a basketball trainer and as a part-time server.

Most of the time, I usually bring my daughter to work with me because I can't afford to put her in daycare after my hours were reduced. It's been really difficult for us to get by due to the pandemic. Honestly, after buying my daughter the necessities like clothes and food, it's been almost impossible to keep up with our other living expenses like rent. I've been able to keep up with it for the most part and am sitting at about two months behind currently. I've been able to make small payments here and there to placate my landlord, but their patience is wearing thin, and I'm going to need help to fully catch up before they begin eviction proceedings against me.

I'm not sure how much longer we can maintain our current situation, and if we fall further and further behind, it will eventually be impossible for us to climb out. If we get this help and get caught up, we'll be able to keep our home. This help has the potential to be truly lifesaving for us, and it will ensure that my daughter has the stability that she needs to continue to grow. It's for her sake that I'm asking for this help, and truly, I couldn't be more grateful to anyone who lends us a hand, especially right now. On behalf of myself and my daughter, I'd like to thank everyone who offers us this generous support. We will truly never forget this.

As of 2021-02-26, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2021-03-04, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $1,000.00 to The Vings at Hunters Green Apartments on behalf of this deserving individual.