Paid 04/14/2021
Unsupported Single Parent
Imminent Loss of Housing

Fully Funded

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This person has left the following thank you note:

User-submitted image -  Click to see real sizeI can�t say thank you enough right now if I had 1000 tongues. This is greatly appreciated and I am very blessed to received this assistance! I haven�t been able to catch up with everything and this is going to help out so much!!!!

I Haven't Been Able to Catch Up on Our Rent After Losing Hours at Work. We Need Help Urgently!

My Story:

I'm a single mom with three active, amazing little boys. My oldest is 7 years old, my middle child is 5, and my youngest is just a year old. My children are my entire world, so I work hard each and everyday to provide for them. I work full-time for the US Postal Service, but back when the pandemic began, my hours were sharply reduced to almost nothing. This reduction in hours forced me to get behind on my rent and other bills.

I'm struggling to keep my home for my children, and I desperately need help if I'm going to keep us in our home, likely before the year is through. The eviction ban is set to expire at the end of this month, and when that happens, we'll lose our home for sure. I have three young children, and they've only just been able to go back to school, so the added daycare costs have gotten in the way of being able to pay our rent and utilities as well. However, with them back to school and with me back to working full-time, we'll be able to get back on track if we get this help. I'm asking, specifically, for help with our rent and electric bill for this month.

It's crucial that we're caught up on rent before the new year, and I don't want to lose service in regard to our electricity in case my children have to go back to online school. Essentially, this help would save our home for the foreseeable future. I've worked hard for my children, and I've worked countless hours to be able to keep our home and our expenses paid; however, I'm worried that will all be for nothing without help. Thank you for taking the time to consider our story and for your kindness and generosity in advance.

As of 2021-04-14, this application has been fully funded!

This request for help was funded at the recommendation and through the support of Modest Needs' donors.

Application Status Update: On 2021-04-21, Modest Needs sent payment via Check in the amount of $1,467.20 to Adenir at Stone Park//Direct Energy on behalf of this deserving individual.